Yarn Estimator

Yarn Estimator

Tap the round blue arrow button to edit an existing swatch.

Tap the edit button if you need to add or delete a swatch. (See next screen shot.)

Yarn Estimator

Tap the red round minus button to delete a swatch.

Tap the plus button in the titlebar add a new swatch. (See next screen shot.)

Yarn Estimator

Enter a description for the swatch and tap next.

Yarn Estimator

Select a yarn from the picker wheel and tap next.

Yarn Estimator

Weigh your swatch. A kitchen scale capable of weighing in grams will give very accurate results. Enter the weight, width and length. Then tap next.

Yarn Estimator

Tap the appropriate units for weight and area. Tap Done.

Yarn Estimator

Tap Yarn Estimator to return to the main menu.